Need a hobby to get through the never-ending pandemic? Do you currently run a successful e-commerce site that allows for personalization? You probably could (if you wanted to) transport most desktop laser engravers from A to B. Home to office and vice-versa is pretty doable with a bit of effort, but not many engravers are totally portable as you’ll need […]
Travel Safely to International Destinations Soon!
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) says it expects its digital Covid Travel Pass will be ready “within weeks”. 2020 has been tumultuous but there is hope! What needs to be done to ensure safe travel practices? Well, it’s a loaded question. But you can imagine the airlines have been working tirelessly for a solution. Travel pass might be the […]
Miss Having Date Nights? Here are some Safe Alternatives
Let’s face it, none of us could have predicted what 2020 had in store for us. That means we need to get creative and keep the spark alive in our relationships. Luckily, there are companies that cater to those who want a date night paired with a safe covid-19 activity. We’ve found all the different date night subscription boxes, which […]
Is it Safe to Take a Roadtrip?
We have been on lockdown far longer than anyone would prefer and most people want to get that summer vacation in! So here we are, advised to keep our distance from others for fear of spreading the deadly coronavirus. And yet we’re missing out on our spring travel plans, and even more fearful that we may have to skip our […]
The Future of Air Travel – Spoiler: It’s not Good
Once airports and borders open again and people are able to fly freely — a process already in play as airports of all sizes around the world ready strategies to ensure healthy air travel — how much are you ready to change your flying habits? As much as was required after 9/11? Less? More? It’s going to be a daunting […]